Для выбора неотсторнированных журналов можно использовать следующий запрос:
SELECT * FROM gl_je_batches b, gl_je_headers h, gl_je_lines l, gl_code_combinations gcc WHERE h.je_header_id = l.je_header_id AND b.je_batch_id = h.je_batch_id AND gcc.code_combination_id = l.code_combination_id AND ( --Неотсторнированные журналы ( h.accrual_rev_status IS NULL AND h.reversed_je_header_id IS NULL ) OR -- сторно на сторно на сторно ... ( h.accrual_rev_status IS NULL AND h.reversed_je_header_id IS NOT NULL AND MOD((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM gl_je_headers jh START WITH jh.je_header_id = h.je_header_id CONNECT BY jh.je_header_id = PRIOR jh.reversed_je_header_id ), 2 ) != 0 ) )
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Categories: Oracle e-Business Suite, SQL gl_code_combinations, gl_je_batches, gl_je_headers, gl_je_lines, Журналы, сторно
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