
Публикации с меткой ‘SLA’

SLA — Как узнать поле для связки со счетом-фактурой

Посмотреть поля по которым можно связать счет-фактуру (СФ) и данные в XLA таблицах можно через форму настройки.
Аналогичным способом можно посмотреть связку для платежей, поступлений и т.д.

Полномочия «Payables Manager» — меню «Setup» — «Accounting Setup» — «Subledger Accounting Setup» — «Accounting Methods Builder» — «Events» — «Event Model»

Связь между счетом-фактурой и xla

SLA — Запрос для просмотра данных учета (Subledger Accounting)

13 Апрель 2012 Нет комментариев

Запрос для просмотра данных учета

select xte.application_id        as appl_id
      ,xte.entity_code           as entity_code
      ,ec.event_class_code       as event_class_code
      ,ec.name                   as event_class
      ,xal.code_combination_id   as cc_id     
      ,fnd_flex_ext.get_segs('SQLGL','GL#',gl.chart_of_accounts_id, xal.code_combination_id)      as ACCOUNT
      --,xla_oa_functions_pkg.get_ccid_description(gl.chart_of_accounts_id,xal.code_combination_id) as account_description
      ,xah.ae_header_id          as xah_ae_header_id
      ,xal.ae_line_num           as xal_ae_line_num
      ,xal.ledger_id             as xal_ledger_id
      ,xte.ledger_id             as xte_ledger_id
      ,xae.event_type_code       as event_type_code
      ,et.name                   as event_type
      ,xae.event_number          as event_number
      ,xal.accounting_class_code as acc_class_code   -- класс учета
      ,lk1.meaning               as accounting_class
      ,xal.accounting_date       as accounting_date
      ,xal.accounted_dr          as accounted_dr
      ,xal.accounted_cr          as accounted_cr
      ,xal.currency_code         as currency_code
      ,nvl(xte.source_id_int_1, -99) as source_id_int_1
      ,decode(xal.party_type_code, 'C', xal.party_id)      as customer_id
      ,decode(xal.party_type_code, 'C', xal.party_site_id) as customer_site_id
from xla.xla_transaction_entities  xte
   , xla.xla_ae_headers            xah
   , xla.xla_ae_lines              xal
   , xla.xla_events                xae
   , xla_lookups                   lk1
   , xla_gl_ledgers_v              gl   
   , xla.xla_event_types_tl        et
   , xla.xla_event_classes_tl      ec
where 1=1
      -- sla xah
      and xah.entity_id      = xte.entity_id
      and xah.application_id = xte.application_id
      and xah.ledger_id      = xal.ledger_id
      -- sla xal
      and xal.ae_header_id   = xah.ae_header_id
      and xal.application_id = xah.application_id
      and (nvl(xal.accounted_dr,0) != 0 or nvl(xal.accounted_cr,0)!=0)
      -- sla xae
      and xae.application_id  = xah.application_id
      and xae.event_id        = xah.event_id  
      -- lk1
      and lk1.lookup_code = xal.accounting_class_code
      and lk1.lookup_type = 'XLA_ACCOUNTING_CLASS'
      -- gl
      and gl.ledger_id = xah.ledger_id
      -- et 
      and et.application_id  = xte.application_id
      and et.entity_code     = xte.entity_code      
      and et.event_type_code = xae.event_type_code
      and et.language        = USERENV('LANG')
      -- ec
      and ec.application_id   = xte.application_id
      and ec.entity_code      = xte.entity_code
      and ec.event_class_code = et.event_class_code
      and ec.language         = USERENV('LANG')
      -- ======
      -- and xte.entity_code    = 'RECEIPTS'
      -- and xte.application_id = 222
      -- and xte.ledger_id = fnd_profile.value('GL_SET_OF_BKS_ID')
      -- and nvl(source_id_int_1,(-99)) =