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13 Май 2010
select distinct o.object_name, sh.username || '(' || sh.sid || ',' || sh.serial# || ')' Holder, sh.osuser, sw.username || '(' || sw.sid || ',' || sw.serial# || ')' Waiter, decode(lh.lmode, 1,'null', 2,'row share', 3,'row exclusive', 4,'share', 5,'share row exclusive', 6,'exclusive') Lock_Type from v$session sw, v$lock lw, all_objects o, v$session sh, v$lock lh where lh.id1 = o.object_id and lh.id1 = lw.id1 and sh.sid = lh.sid and sw.sid = lw.sid and sh.lockwait is null and sw.lockwait is not null and lh.type = 'TM' and lw.type = 'TM'
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