Список полномочий где используется форма + путь для вызова
15 Апрель 2016
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Скрипт для вывода списка полномочий, в которых используется форма.
Так же добавлен путь внутри полномочий для вызова формы.
Желаемый язык для вывода данных вынесен в параметры.
with params as ( select 'FNDSCRSP' as form_name ,'' as user_form_name ,'' as description_form ,'RU' as lang /* RU;US */ from dual ) select (select rt.responsibility_name from fnd_responsibility_tl rt , params where rt.responsibility_id = r.responsibility_id and rt.application_id = r.application_id and rt.language = params.lang ) as responsibility_name ,(select ltrim(sys_connect_by_path(me.prompt, ' --> '),' --> ') from (select b.menu_id,b.entry_sequence,b.sub_menu_id,b.function_id, t.prompt from fnd_menu_entries_tl t, fnd_menu_entries b, params where b.menu_id = t.menu_id and b.entry_sequence = t.entry_sequence and t.language = params.lang) me where me.prompt is not null and me.function_id = ff1.function_id and rownum=1 start with me.menu_id = r.menu_id connect by prior me.sub_menu_id = me.menu_id and prior me.prompt is not null ) path_to_form ,r.application_id ,r.responsibility_id ,r.responsibility_key ,r.menu_id ,(select mt.user_menu_name from fnd_menus_tl mt, params where mt.menu_id = r.menu_id and mt.language = params.lang) as user_menu_name ,ff1.function_id ,(select fft.user_function_name from fnd_form_functions_tl fft, params where fft.function_id = ff1.function_id and fft.language = params.lang) as user_function_name ,ff1.form_id ,(select ff.form_name from fnd_form ff where ff.form_id = ff1.form_id ) as form_name ,(select ftl.user_form_name from fnd_form_tl ftl, params where ftl.form_id = ff1.form_id and ftl.language = params.lang) as user_form_name from fnd_responsibility r ,(select ff.function_id, ff.form_id from fnd_form_functions ff where ff.form_id in (select f.form_id from fnd_form f, fnd_form_tl ft, params where f.form_id = ft.form_id and ( f.form_name = params.form_name or (ft.user_form_name like '%'||params.user_form_name||'%' and params.user_form_name is not null) or (ft.description like '%'||params.description_form||'%' and params.description_form is not null) ) ) ) ff1 where 1=1 and sysdate between r.start_date and nvl(r.end_date, sysdate+1) and r.menu_id in (select me.menu_id from fnd_menu_entries me start with me.function_id = ff1.function_id connect by prior me.menu_id = me.sub_menu_id )
Categories: Oracle e-Business Suite, Oracle Forms find, fnd_form, fnd_form_functions_tl, fnd_menu_entries, fnd_responsibility, forms, OEBS, responsibility, select, запрос, поиск, полномочия, путь, форма
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